December 16, 2024
“One school, one vision, together we are on a mission!” Picture a school cafeteria full of bright, smiling children, chanting this phrase over and over with teachers and staff. Feel the energy, enthusiasm and passion in their voices. This is the chant that CASA Academy students say every morning to start their day, and it reminds staff and students of our collective goal – preparing our students, who we call scholars, for college. I founded CASA Academy, a nonprofit, free, public charter school in 2014. CASA Academy serves 395 kindergarten through seventh grade students in the Phoenix Metro area. 98% of CASA Academy scholars are on Free and Reduced-Price Lunch and 71% are English Language Learners. Many of our scholars are refugees and some live in overcrowded housing, sometimes with up to 15 people in a one-bedroom apartment. Many of our scholars don’t have enough food to eat at home, some have had significant trauma in their lives, and some scholars are even homeless. The challenges many of our scholars face on a daily basis are heart-wrenching. This is why at CASA, we focus not only on academics but on cultivating the character that our scholars need to overcome challenges and to be authentically kind, caring, and compassionate individuals. We teach our scholars that they need to believe in themselves, that if they don’t know how to do something, they don’t know how to do it yet, that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that showing integrity and perseverance in the face of challenges matters. When scholars enter our campus, they are entering an atmosphere where they are safe, valued, respected, and loved. Leading CASA Academy has been both a challenge and privilege, teaching me lessons that have cultivated much growth along the way. Here I’ll share the most critical insights I’ve gained, ones that I believe can benefit any leader aiming to make a difference. 1. Build a strong, mission-aligned leadership team. Your leadership team matters. I am fortunate to lead alongside a team of mission-aligned individuals who will do whatever it takes to meet our mission and give our scholars the education they deserve. Four of the members of our leadership team are founding staff members who have been with us since the very beginning. Other members of our leadership team have been intentionally vetted to ensure we are choosing the right people to lead and model what we expect. Amongst our leadership team, our biggest strength is the level of trust we have in one another. When we come together in our weekly meetings we engage in difficult conversations, we debate a variety of challenging problems and how to best solve them, and as we make decisions together, we know our decisions have the backing of the full team. 2. Stay focused on your strategic goals and vision. It is incredibly easy to be side-tracked from the big picture work that takes intentional thought, energy, and focus. There is always something urgent – a challenge, a crisis of some kind – to manage. But when you live in the urgent, you remain in the urgent and never move your organization forward. Over the past several years, I have learned to ask myself whether something fits with our strategic priorities, and if it doesn’t, I intentionally choose to set it aside or to delegate it. I have learned the importance of hiring individuals who can manage the day-to-day items that will inevitably pop up so that our leadership team’s time can stay focused on the big picture. You can’t do everything, and you certainly can’t do everything well. Stay focused on what matters. 3. Hold others accountable. In my time at CASA, I have learned to be direct, deliberate, and intentional with my wording and expectations. I give praise, love, and support, and I also call people out directly when they haven’t met the bar. I have learned that holding accountability for others is a form of love, and it is only in holding that accountability that we will achieve our mission. With accountability, strong results are possible for our scholars. Serving our scholars and community over the past eleven years has been both an honor and a journey filled with meaningful lessons. Through strong committed leadership, unwavering focus, and bold accountability, we have helped shape the future for our scholars. To everyone who leads, lead with purpose, stay focused on what matters most, and hold accountability for the results you seek – our future will be brighter because of it. Written By: Tacey Clayton Cundy, Co-Founder, CEO: CASA Academy